Louis Fitzgerald Group acquire Bruxelles

Louis Fitzgerald Group acquire Bruxelles

Louis Fitzgerald Group acquire Bruxelles Louis Fitzgerald Group acquire Bruxelles The Louis Fitzgerald Group acquire Bruxelles. The Irish Independent, therefore, quotes Fitzgerald as saying: “When I first approached Dave Egan, the previous owner of Bruxelles,...
Latest Vacancies

Latest Vacancies

Latest Vacancies Latest Vacancies Latest Vacancies at the Louis Fitzgerald Group include openings at the award-winning traditional Irish pub. Situated in the heart of Dublin, Kehoes was first licensed in 1803. Moreover,  the premises that you see today was completed...


Kehoes Kehoes Kehoes is an award-winning traditional Irish pub in the heart of Dublin. First licensed in 1803, the premises that you see today was completed towards the end of the 19th century. As a result, the typical Victorian style of the time is a treasure of...